Each day you will type in the day's Essential Question or I Can statement after which you will write your learning and a question you have. The question is an essential and mandatory element to the DLL (daily learning log). We save paper! We save trees! Plus I can comment on your comments.
Your daily learning log might look like this:
Today is November 13, 2017. The essential question is "Why is reflecting on my learning a critical element to my learning?"
My understanding -or- Today I learned: "If I take the time to reflect on my learning, I will engage my brain so that understanding concepts becomes clearer. I can generate more questions as I reflect to deepen my understanding, because as I pose a question, my brain is already trying to formulate an answer"
Question(s): Is there a difference between reflecting on my learning and "meta-cognition"?
-OR- this...
11.13.17 EQ: "Why is reflecting on my learning a critical element to my learning?"
Learned: "If I take the time to
reflect on my learning, I will engage my brain so that understanding
concepts becomes clearer. I can generate more questions as I reflect to
deepen my understanding, because as I pose a question, my brain is
already trying to formulate an answer"
? Is there a difference between reflecting on my learning and "meta-cognition"?
I would imagine you will create other ways to record the EQ/I can Statements and learning. Go for it!